
ईस्टरले बसन्तको आगमन पनि मनाउँछ, र हामीले नयाँ जीवनको सोच गर्ने केही कुरा देख्छौं, जस्तै अण्डा, बच्चाहरू, फूल र खरायो। ईसाई धर्ममा ईस्टर धेरै महत्वपूर्ण पर्व हो, र यस समयमा धेरै ईसाईहरू चर्चमा जान्छन्।

ईस्टरको मिति हरेक वर्षदेखि वर्षमा परिवर्तन गर्दछ, तर सामान्यत मार्चको अन्त र अप्रिलको शुरुमा पर्ने गर्छ।

अण्डाहरू ईस्टरको उत्सवको महत्वपूर्ण भाग हुन् धेरै मानिसकहरु कुखुराका अण्डाहरूलाई रंगिएर उनीहरूलाई चम्किला रंगहरूले सजाउँछन् । धेरै बच्चाहरूले चकलेट अण्डा तर्फबाट उपहार पाउँछन्। विश्व भरमा अनेक प्रकारका ईस्टर अण्डा परम्पराहरू छन्।

संयुक्त अधिराज्यमा, अन्य केही देशहरूमा, बच्चाहरू ईस्टर अण्डा हंट गर्ने चलन छ। उनीहरू पार्क र बगैंचामा चकलेट अण्डाहरू खोज्दछन्। अण्डाहरू ईस्टर बन्नीले लुकाएको मानिन्छ । यो समयमा मानिसहरूले स्कूल र कामबाट बिदा लिन्छन्, र उनीहरू अक्सर परिवार र साथीहरूसँग समय बिताउँछन्।

Easter also celebrates the arrival of spring, and we see lots of things that make us think of new life, for example eggs, chicks, flowers, and rabbits. Easter is a very important festival in the Christian religion, and many Christians go to church during this time.

The dates of Easter change from year to year, but it's usually sometime between the end of March and the beginning of April.

Eggs are a big part of Easter celebrations! Many people paint chicken eggs and decorate them with bright colors, and a lot of children receive chocolate eggs as presents. There are many different Easter egg traditions around the world.

In the United Kingdom, as well as in many other countries, children have fun participating in Easter egg hunts. They search for chocolate eggs in parks and gardens. The hiding of eggs is often attributed to the Easter bunny!

During this time, people take time off from school and work, often spending it with family and friends.

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